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Glass Buildings

Financial Law

Financial Law

How does the law come to govern and structure the banking organization so that it can best protect everyone's interests?



“Finance is the art of passing

money from hand to hand until

that he disappeared. »


(Robert W. Sarnoff)

The financial law lawyer is in charge of the creation, registration, development, modifications (transfers and changes) and finally the dissolution of Undertakings for Collective Investment (OPC), whether they are regulated, it is i.e. compliant with European standards (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities or UCITS), or not (Alternative Investment Funds or AIF). These funds can also have legal personality by constituting themselves in the form of an investment company with variable capital (SICAV) that the lawyer will also protect legally. The lawyer drafts and negotiates contracts relating to funds, from service provider contracts and Market contracts (ISDA) to negotiated management fee rebate contracts, including semi-contracts that constitute key information documents for the investor (KIID) and the Prospectuses. He is in direct contact with the supervisory authorities in France (AMF) and abroad in the countries in which the funds are authorized for marketing, and is the privileged interlocutor in the context of the fight against money laundering. Money and Terrorism Financing (AML rules), application of compliance rules (as Compliance Officer) and compliance with KYC procedures.

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