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About Us

Our experience?

13 years of expertise in the largest Parisian banks and management companies:

Société Générale (Lyxor), Crédit Agricole, BNP Paribas (Exane Asset Management) and Natixis Investment Managers International.

“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life” (Confucius)

Glass Buildings

After having started out in law firms and undertaken to start the CAPA (certificate of aptitude for training as a lawyer), we decided to move towards life in business and to specialize in Business Law ( Master I , specialized in Intellectual Property), then in Banking and Finance ( Master II , with Honors ) at the University of Paris V René Descartes. Very quickly, we were propelled into the demanding world of business in Paris and La Défense, and it was both extremely formative and intellectually stimulating!

Our training?

“We cannot do without a method to seek the truth of things. " (René Descartes)

Wishing to outsource our expertise and our know-how in the south of France, and more particularly in Beausoleil, Monaco, Menton and Nice, we created our consulting company Blooming Consulting to adapt to the needs of our customers and offer a demanding and efficient legal service.

“I didn't know it was impossible, so I did it. (Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt)

     of our expertise

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