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Glass Buildings

Corporate law

Corporate law

How does the law come to govern and structure the banking organization so that it can best protect everyone's interests?


“Man exists only through

society and society does not

form only for her. »


(Louis de Bonald)

Society is the instrument par excellence of our society where everything is organized and communicates in perpetual motion. It is a structure that is striking in its diversity: all sizes are possible, from micro-enterprises to multinationals, including SMEs and ETIs. It can join forces with others to form groups, which sometimes include hundreds of legal units, one or more of which may offer their titles to the public...The company embodies both flexibility and economic power. Whether it is for the drafting of articles of association or shareholders' agreements, or for setting up a split-off, merger, or partial contribution of assets, Blooming Development can put its expertise at the service of your company for the help to (re)structure, or to develop by means of a solid and reliable legal framework.

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