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Buy or sell a business

Different  Packages 


I complete my online form and receive my payment, once received.

I receive my finalized deed of transfer by e-mail within 48 working hours.


Whatever the destination of the goodwill (hotel, café or restaurant), its acquisition or sale is subject to strict regulations. This regulation is governed by the Law as well as by the Consumer Code, which require compliance with a certain formalism.

This formalism involves taking into account the terms relating to the transfer of the commercial lease, the right of terrace, without forgetting the sequestration of the compulsory sale price during the period of opposition.

It should therefore not be forgotten that the goodwill is always taken over as is. The purchaser has no legal recourse after the acquisition of a goodwill if he realizes a posteriori that it did not suit him, except of course the provisions of common law.

Therefore, being advised by a lawyer when drafting the act allows you to protect yourself. Blooming Consulting has a transversal experience of all the legal steps related to the sale of a business.

Essenciel Package (48 H): drafting of the deed of transfer for 1,010 euros including tax  

Our package includes  :

  • The drafting of the deed of transfer of business assets or transfer of leasehold rights in accordance with the requirements of the Commercial Code in this area;

  • Verification of the conditions of the lease contract;

  • Carrying out the various administrative procedures concerning the transfer (excluding registration);

  • One hour of advice with a dedicated expert lawyer;

  • Your legal expert verifies the formal validity of the act and guarantees its validity;

  • Legal audit of the acquired fund and drafting of tailor-made clauses according to the risks analysed;

  • Application for transfer of terrace rights;

  • Assistance in the negotiation of the sale of the fund;

  • Deed registration formalities (publicity, tax gazette).


Our package does not include the archiving of the deed by the Conseil National des Barreaux, nor the sequestration, nor the assistance in the negotiation.

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